Where Can I Serve?

Jesus told us, his disciples, to make disciples of all nations. One of the most important values of this church is our mission to the world. It begins in our own community, and spreads overseas to every nation. Church members are involved in a variety of ministries from things as simple as washing the church vehicles, to preparing the church bulletins.

Groups Designed for You

At POZ we have something for everybody. Ladies of Grace for our ladies, MENistry for the men, Youth Plugged in for the teens, KIDS Power Hour for the kids. Our desire is to reach to everyone, and that we can reach everyone on your specific level in your Christian walk with the Lord.

Music & Drama

God-honoring worship is something we strive for. Many church members get involved in our music and drama ministry. Some play their instruments. Some are vocalists. Others join the Sign team. Still others get involved in drama. These volunteers are an important part of the ministry of our church, using their talents and gifts to glorify God.

Media & Technology

Using media to spread the gospel is a privilege of this church. In an age of widespread technology, we have a stewardship to use these tools as best as possible for kingdom purposes. All of our weekly sermons are uploaded to our website audio format.With video and audio format coming soon. We also maintain an active Facebook feed for additional church communication.

Marriage & Parenting

Marriages can be difficult to maintain. Misunderstanding, confusion, resentment, and anger can flare up in any marriage. Then you add in the kids in the mix and whoa! At POZ we dedicate every February and August to teachings and preaching on marriage and parenting. By listening, understanding, helping, and encouraging struggling couples, by God’s grace, we try to help marriages, and repair relationships. Couples have found fresh hope and new joy in a warm and fulfilling relationship with their spouse.

Prayer Warriors

Prayer cannot be overestimated. Prayer is our immediate connection with Jesus. Our Church is a body of believers dependent upon prayer and fasting, and committed to staying connected to God. 30 minutes before every service, our main sanctuary is turned into a prayer room. Throughout the week, volunteers from our Prayer Warriors team pray for their pastor, a list of church members, any special requests, and missionary prayer needs both here at home and around the world.